IFA Consultancy Limited is the first institution in Bangladesh that provides training and consultancy on Halal & Islamic Finance. Our journey started back in Nov 2016 with a simple social media group and a study circle. Our aim was to promote Islamic Finance and Halal Lifestyle among the people whether believers or not. We have been successfully providing courses on Islamic Finance. IFA Consultancy launched as a company in 2019. Our Registered Trade license Number: TRAD/DNCC/089783/2022. Our footprints also extend to consulting the Islamic financial technologies (FinTech) and we are proud to have organized the first Islamic FinTech Conference in Dhaka in January 2018, which gather local and international media traction. IFAC believes that Halal is very trustworthy, acceptable and progressive method that can empower growing economy and assures sustainability in social & economic development.
We have expertise in the domains of Halal, Islamic Finance & Shari’ah. We have a bunch of Shari’ah Scholars in our team who work dedicatedly both as instructors in training section and professional consultancy practitioners in Shari’ah Advocacy. They are dedicated to research, develop training materials and provide Shari’ah consultancy to instructions, organizations, corporates, SME’s and government simultaneously. These Shari’ah experts and Muftis have been graduated from reputed institutions. They have extensive knowledge, training and experience in both classical Islamic commercial jurisprudence and its modern application as well. Besides, they are CSAA certified from AAOIFI, Bahrain. They promote bridging between Shari’ah theories and practices.
In addition, we provide various professional training & certificated courses on Islamic Finance & Accounts along with Soft Skill Development & Capacity Building Workshops. IFAC is committed to promote Islamic ethics and create awareness on Islamic economics, in contrast with the conventional economics.
Our materials focus on both theoretical and practical aspects of Islamic finance. We try to uphold integrity and trust (Amanah) while maintaining professionalism in our services. We don’t compromise with the quality and we count every relationship, engagement, collaboration valuable. We hope & believe that our journey towards the welfare of humanity and world will be continued and rewarded in hereafter.
We are a proud member of AAIOFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions) & TAIF – Training and Awareness of Islamic Finance. Besides, we have collaborations & relations with enormous organizations in home and abroad Alhamdulillah.
Islam is a complete religion. It provides guidance and solutions for the whole humanity, in all aspects of life, materially as well as spiritually. There are several verses in Al-Qur’an and narrations in Sunnah that provide the fundamentals of economics and finance.
Allah SWT declares in Al-Quran:
“O you who have believed, (in the Oneness of Allah – Islamic Monotheism)! Eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship.”Surah Baqarah; Verse 175
Opening up dynamic career opportunities in the growing industry of Islamic Banking and Finance along with the Corporates as well.
Professor of Finance
Department of Economics and Finance,
University of New Orleans, USA
Ustajul Hadith
Jamiatul Uloomil Islamia