We Provide Training

& Shariah Consultancy

on Halal and Islamic Finance

Human Capital Development

We give top importance to resource development in the Islamic finance sector by offering tailor-made solutions.


We conduct research and advise management to navigate shariah of specific products and provide resolution with a proper framework.


Our unique team of experienced Muftis & AAOIFI certified CSAA’s will advise your business operations to embed Shariah compliance in the most effective and efficient way.

We are trusted by

We Provide
Shariah Consultancy

IFAC provides Islamic Shariah-based Consultancy Services to the community whether personnel or corporates in various sectors such as:

Our team has the expertise to provide Shari’ah consultancy for Sukuk, Islamic Fintech, and overall the Halal domain. Our goal is to help end-to-end Shari’ah compliance.


IFAC has been providing Islamic Shariah-based Academic Courses and Training on various topics since its inception. We have over 22 courses in various areas of Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, and Halal. Distinctive features of our courses are – 

We have a group of
Shariah Scholars & Experts

Our team works dedicatedly both as instructors in the training and course. Also in Professional consultancy and Shariah Advocacy

We have 10+ CSAA (Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor) certified from AAOIFI, Bahrain. They promote harmonization between Sharia theories and practice.

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